Saturday, April 19, 2008

Make Martha Cringe!

Over at Food Nerd, blogger Caitlin LaRussa is holding an interesting contest called Make Martha Cringe! (Good food behaving badly). The idea is to create a delicious dish but photograph it with a dated look (of course post work in photoshop is allowed). I loved the idea and decided to submit my own dish with a bit of a "70's" feel to it:

"Shrimp and Fish in an Herb Sauce"

Here's a brief summary of the recipe:

Jumbo shrimp and monkfish mixed into a sauce made up of coconut milk, mustard oil, leeks, green chilies, garlic, ginger, cilantro, fennel seeds, ground coriander, and a sprinkle of salt. On the side is a bowl of rice pilaf with a dash of chopped cilantro on top.

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